Unlocking the Power of SKF Recondoil Box

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Discover how SKF Recondoil Box is revolutionizing industrial oil cleanliness and machinery performance. This informative article explains the benefits and process of using SKF Recondoil technology to clean industrial oils, emphasizing its impact on improving oil cleanliness and machinery performance for industrial professionals.

Factors Influencing  the lubrication oil degradation:

Factors affecting lubrication oil



The lifetime of oil is influenced by contamination – if left unchecked in a system, the contaminants cause the oil to continually degrade, until it is oo longer functional

Nano particles, varnish, and water are common contaminants that can significantly reduce the lifetime of oil in a system. Nano particles, such as those produced by wear and tear on machinery, can accelerate the degradation of oil by increasing friction and heat.

Varnish, a byproduct of oil oxidation, can form deposits on system components, leading to reduced efficiency and potential equipment failure.


Water can also be detrimental to oil, causing corrosion and promoting microbial growth, further shortening the oil’s lifespan. Therefore, it is crucial to implement effective contamination control measures to extend the functional lifetime of oil in a system.


Conventional filters are effective in removing only about 20% of the total surface area of particles in oil, mainly targeting microparticles. However, the remaining 80% of the surface area is made up of nanoparticles, which tend to bypass conventional filters. These nanoparticles are particularly harmful as they act as catalysts for oxidation in the oil, consequently accelerating its aging process. Therefore, it is crucial to address the challenge of effectively removing nanoparticles from oil to prevent oxidation and maintain oil quality.


The increasing use of highly-refined Group II and Group III base oils has led to a rise in varnish-related problems in oil systems, as these base stock oils have lower solubility for varnish-forming substances. Although varnish formation in oil can have multiple causes, oxidation by-products are considered the main culprit. Varnish not only contributes to machinery wear and thermal stress but also hastens the degradation of the oil.


Water intrusion can significantly diminish the effectiveness of most oils. Its presence in a system can lead to corrosion, shorten the lifespan of components, alter the oil’s viscosity, and degrade its lubricating properties.

Introduction to SKF Recondoil Box

In the world of industrial machinery, the cleanliness of oil used for lubrication is of paramount importance. Contaminated oil can lead to machinery breakdowns, reduced efficiency, and increased maintenance costs. This is where SKF Recondoil Box comes into play, revolutionizing industrial oil cleanliness and machinery performance.

What is SKF Recondoil Box?

SKF Recondoil Box, developed by SKF Marine GmbH, is a cutting-edge technology that reconditions industrial oils, removing contaminants and extending their usability. This innovative solution utilizes a double separation process to remove nanoparticles and impurities from the oil, ensuring that it meets the highest cleanliness standards for optimal machinery performance.

what is skf recondoil?


How does SKF Recondoil Box work?

The SKF Recondoil Box operates on the principle of circularity that makes business sense. It removes nanoparticles from industrial oils, ensuring that the oil remains clean and suitable for reuse. By doing so, it prevents lubrication-related machinery failures and extends the lifespan of both the oil and the machinery it lubricates.

The Process of Using SKF Recondoil Box

Collection of used industrial oil

The process begins with the collection of used industrial oil from the machinery in the facility. This used oil is then transported to a reconditioning facility equipped with the SKF Recondoil Box technology.

Cleaning and reconditioning process

At the reconditioning facility, the used oil undergoes a thorough cleaning and reconditioning process using the SKF Recondoil Box technology. This process removes contaminants and nanoparticles, restoring the oil to the required cleanliness standards.

Return of reconditioned oil for reuse

Once the reconditioning process is complete, the cleaned and reconditioned oil is returned to the facility for reuse in the machinery, ensuring optimal lubrication and performance.

Stay tuned for the next section where we will explore the impact of SKF Recondoil Box on industrial operations, including extended machinery lifespan, reduced maintenance and downtime, and improved overall operational efficiency.

The RecondOil Box is an enhanced depth filtration system that incorporates RecondOil’s patented Double Separation Technology (DST). It features a chemical/mechanical separation process which is not limited by filter pore size, and there is therefore no lower limit on the size of particles that can be removed from an oil.

Double filter technology of skf recondoil



We can get rid of the nanoparticles – and all other particles as well, for that matter. This means we can stop the oxidation process from even beginning and create a potentially endless oil life.
With its DST filter, the RecondOil Box also removes both soluble and insoluble varnish, thereby avoiding clogged sys- tems. Varnish removal also offers cooler operational temperature and longer component and oil life.
In addition, the RecondOil Box is also efficient at water removal, and can remove dissolved, emulsified and free water out of an oil.

SKF Double separation Technology  Video

The importance of industrial oil cleanliness

Industrial professionals understand the critical role that oil cleanliness plays in the performance and longevity of their machinery. Clean oil reduces friction, wear, and heat generation, ultimately leading to improved machinery performance and reduced maintenance requirements. SKF Recondoil Box addresses these concerns by providing a reliable and efficient method for maintaining oil cleanliness.


Improved oil cleanliness

The primary benefit of using SKF Recondoil Box is the significant improvement in oil cleanliness. By removing contaminants and nanoparticles, the reconditioned oil meets the highest cleanliness standards, ensuring optimal lubrication and machinery performance.

Enhanced machinery performance

Clean oil directly translates to enhanced machinery performance. With SKF Recondoil Box, industrial professionals can expect reduced friction, wear, and heat generation, leading to smoother machinery operation and extended lifespan.

Cost savings and environmental impact

In addition to improved machinery performance, SKF Recondoil Box offers cost savings and environmental benefits:

  • Reduced Co2 impact,
  • Reduced energy consumption,
  • Reduced consumables use

By reconditioning used oil, companies can reduce their total oil cost, minimize waste, reduced costs for shipment, storage and disposal of used oil and contribute to environmental sustainability.

applications of skf recondoil functioning of skf recondoil

SKF Recondoil

New Ball bearing co.llp is an authorized  distributor for  SKF Recondoil. For more information contact us